News & Events

The Loreto Times- Summer Edition

The Loreto Times- Summer Edition The latest edition of The Loreto Times Magazine provides a compilation of a wide range of activities and news updates from Term 3. This edition includes: An overview of The Irish News Club Articles from two representatives from The Northern Ireland Youth Assembly Sporting Profile on outgoing Year 14 student, […]

Fun Day

Fun Day 2024   Key Stage 3 and Year 11 enjoyed a wonderful Fun Day to mark the end of their Summer Examinations.  

Year 8 Gaelic Blitz

Year 8 Gaelic Blitz Finals Year 8 had a fantastic day yesterday at St Pat’s Park where they represented their form class in the annual Inter-form Gaelic Blitz Finals. The day started with a parade of all teams onto the pitch. The group games were thrilling to watch showcasing skill, teamwork and fitness. The A […]

Loreto To Lusaka Fundraising Events

Our volunteer team are busy organising wonderful fundraising events to help build a new Home Economic’s classroom in the Tyrone Secondary School, Lusaka, Zambia.   Our team will travel to Lusaka in 2024 and are excited to visit and experience the wonderful life and culture alongside The Spirit of Paul McGirr Foundation.   We hope […]

Loreto To Lusaka

We are so excited to introduce our volunteer team who are beginning their fundraising endeavours for our 2024 ‘Loreto to Lusaka’ Project, alongside The Spirit of Paul McGirr Foundation. Get to know the girls who will be spearheading the organisation and fundraising for a new Home Economic’s room in the Tyrone Secondary School in Lusaka, […]

Wednesday Well Being Club

Wednesday Well- Being Club   Another fun Wellbeing Wednesday! Our session followed the ‘Be active’ aspect of ‘Take 5 Steps for Wellbeing. See the attached flyer for activities for the rest of October.’ Possible blurb for wall (if we need to post it) ‘To mark World Mental Health day. some of our wonderful students created […]


Year 10 GCSE Subject Choice Information Prior to submitting GCSE subject choices (before 3:30pm 10th March 2023) please see the following information for your guidance: Video (Year 10 GCSE Subject Choice Information Video) featuring guest speakers: Head of Year 10, Mrs Mc Nally Head of Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance, Mr Wilson Past Pupil and […]