Aims and Ethos

This is a Catholic Voluntary Grammar School providing a full Secondary Education for girls in the eleven to eighteen age group.


Recognising the inherent dignity and spirituality of every human person, we aim:-

  • to provide a Christian environment where the pupil can experience and develop her Catholic faith.
  • to maximise the academic and creative potential of each pupil through provision of a broad and balanced curriculum.
  • to nurture and develop in each pupil a positive self-image.
  • to provide opportunities for experiencing enjoyment and a sense of achievement.
  • to equip each pupil with the necessary skills and advice relevant to her life-style and future career.
  • to help each pupil to mature as an understanding, tolerant and responsible person.
  • to develop an appreciation in each pupil of her cultural heritage and an awareness of and respect for other cultural traditions.
  • to promote in each pupil a sense of belonging to and having an appreciation of and respect for the natural environment and the community – immediate, local, national and world-wide.

Our Mission Satement

Our Vision Statement:


Mary Ward Compass Values: