School Crest

The crest is the badge worn by all students in Loreto schools throughout the world. The crest is surmounted by the title ~ Mary, Queen of Angels. This reminds those who wear it of the protective presence of Mary. The design includes four symbols: The Cross ~ the emblem of salvation. The Heart of Jesus […]

Aims and Ethos

This is a Catholic Voluntary Grammar School providing a full Secondary Education for girls in the eleven to eighteen age group.   Recognising the inherent dignity and spirituality of every human person, we aim:- to provide a Christian environment where the pupil can experience and develop her Catholic faith. to maximise the academic and creative […]

History of the School

The Loreto Order The Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary was founded by Mary Ward (1585-1645). It introduced a new type of religious life for women. With remarkable foresight, Mary Ward realised the apostolic influence of women in families, in public life and in the Church. She chose as her particular apostolate the education of […]

Prospectus 2025, including Year 8 Admissions Criteria for September 2025, now available to access on our website.