My experience has been very interesting. I’ve had to spend both my mum and dad’s birthday in quarantine along with my own. Not being able to buy proper cards or gifts has been really bad. I had to make my parents a card which tested arts skills. One definite positive was that my sister moved back home for lockdown, so I have company. I get on quite well with my sister so it’s nice having her around.
I really miss being with my friends at school and miss having a classroom setting and environment to learn. I miss being able to see my granny properly as now I stand outside her house and talk to her. Online school has definitely had its challenges as sometimes it’s harder to keep a focus at home whereas at school you have the proper environment to learn. Seeing my friends everyday will definitely not be something I will take for granted ever again. Going to my drama singing and dance lessons; where I am in a group setting won’t be taken for granted as well. My show that I was meant to be in “Fame” was cancelled so I miss the cast of that and miss having fun learning our new routines and harmonies. Not being able to do the small things like go to the shops or meet up with my friends randomly is definitely something I will love even more after these strange times. Even as much as getting on the bus to go to school will be something that I will actually start enjoying. Quarantine has definitely had its ups and downs but I believe that everyone will pull through and we’ll all come out the other side and start to look at things differently
Eva Quinn 10a4