‘Technology and Design… Where Knowledge and Creativity Unite’


Members of Department
HOD: Ms Fiona Brannigan
Teachers: Mr Stephen Deery

Miss Clare McElduff

Mrs Joanna Young
Technicians: Mr Colin Brown
Mrs Sheena Bingham


In Technology and Design, we aim to stimulate and maintain student interest, enjoyment, curiosity and concern about the technological aspects of their environment. We endeavour to help our pupils develop their creativity and technical ability through a wide selection of tasks. Pupils work both as individuals and in groups during their Technology Design lessons and we actively encourage pupils to support their peers in the class and to fulfil their own potential.
The use of ICT is an integral part of the work our pupils do. We use Microsoft TEAMS as a communication platform and for assigning work. and OneNote is used as a digital notebook where our pupils are able to access notes and videos as well as pupils using it to submit their work.

For information on downloading Solidworks to a personal computer click here.

EN096 – Installing SolidWorks 2022-23 SEK

Key Stage 3
Key Stage 3 involves pupils in mainly practical orientated work, which cover the study area as determined by the National Curriculum. Pupil’s experience working with plastics, woods, metals, electronics, computer control, mechanisms and pneumatics.

KS3 pupils have 1 Double (1hr 10 min) of Technology & Design per week.

Projects completed by Pupils in KS3:

Year 8
Plastic Project
Wood Project

Year 9
Mechanisms Project
Model Making
Multi-Material Project

Year 10
Model Making
Computer Control
Multi-Material Projects