Overview – Maths

Members of Department:

HOD:  Mrs A Connolly
Mrs J Gallagher (Numeracy Co-ordinator)
Mrs C Owens
Mrs M Morris
Mrs M Ormsby
Numeracy Support:
Mrs P O’Neill

Mathematics evolved from counting, calculation, measurement and the systematic study of shapes and motions of physical objects. Mathematics can be subdivided into the study of quantity, structure, shape and change. Mathematicians seek out patterns, formulate new conjectures and at the highest level, establish truth by rigorous deduction from appropriately chosen axioms and definitions.


Department Aims
In this department we aim to:
• Develop knowledge and understanding of Number, Algebra, Shape and Data Handling.
• Develop pupil confidence in the precise use of mathematical language and notation as an effective means of communication.
• Develop increasing competence in mental mathematics skills, pencil & paper methods, practical skills in use of technology.
• Develop the ability to apply mathematical skills to other General Learning Areas.
• Develop the application of mathematical skills to real-life and work situations – increasing pupil awareness of STEM initiative.
• Develop knowledge and understanding of personal finance issues.
• Provide opportunities for pupils to develop Thinking Skills & Personal Capability in the fields of Problem-Solving & Decision Making, Self-Management, Working with Others, Managing Information and Being Creative.
• Stimulate student’s interest, curiosity and enjoyment of Mathematics, acquiring a suitable foundation appropriate to the study of the subject at a higher level.
• Assist pupils in gaining necessary Mathematical qualifications for their chosen courses/careers.
• Identify and support high/low attainers in their study of Mathematics.
• Encourage all pupils to achieve at their highest potential.
• Encourage pupils to “have a go” irrespective of mathematical ability, promoting self-esteem and an appreciation and sensitivity to varying levels of ability within a class group.
• Provide opportunities for a wider enjoyment of the subject through active teaching & learning strategies and participation in class, school and national competitions.
• Promote development in Mathematics as a shared learning process between pupil, parent and staff.

The members of the Mathematics Department are committed to and actively promote the school ethos in policy and practice.

Key Stage 3



Years 8, 9 and 10 students follow a rich and varied programme in Mathematics in line with the Revised Curriculum for Northern Ireland. Students are taught in their Form Class mixed ability groups. All Key Stage 3 students have 5 × 35 minute periods per week. The level of attainment at the end of Key Stage 3 Mathematics will be used to determine class groupings for GCSE Mathematics in Key Stage 4.


Language of Number
Whole Numbers
Negative Numbers
Error in Measurement
Binary Numbers
Basic Algebra
Brackets/Common Factors
Function Machines/Substitution
Linear Equations
(midpoint of a line)
Linear Equations
(cross multiplication)
Trial & Improvement
Straight Line Graph
Simultaneous Equations by Graph
Quadratic Brackets
Inequalities (numberlines)
Real-life Graphs – Travel Graphs, Conversion Graphs, Linear Contextual Graphs

2D/3D Shapes
Line & Angle
Metric System
Perimeter/area/volume – square, rectangle, triangle, cube, cuboid, compound shapes
Angle Properties
Imperial System
Perimeter/area/volume - quadrilaterals
(length of a line)
Transformations (reflection, rotation, enlargement, translation)
Compound Measures (SDT)
Perimeter/area/volume – circle, compound shapes, prisms.
Collection of Data
Data Display – tally charts, frequency tables, bar charts, line graphs, pie charts, scatter graphs, frequency polygons, stem and leaf.
Analysing Data – mean, mode, median, range


In delivery of the above topics students will have opportunities to develop:
• knowledge and understanding of personal finance issues, and skills to enable competent and responsible financial decision making;
• the application of mathematical skills to real life and work situations;
• the creative use of technology to enhance mathematical understanding.
by demonstrating:

• creative thinking in their approach to solving mathematical problems;
• increasing competence in mental mathematics skills;
• increasing competence in pencil and paper methods;
• increasing confidence in the use of mathematical language and notation;
• practical skills using technology.


The ‘Key Elements’ and ‘Thinking Skills and Personal Capabilities’ identified in the Revised Curriculum are also an integral part of the Key Stage 3 Mathematics programme of study.  Tasks undertaken throughout Key Stage 3 Mathematics support the Cross-Curricular Skills of Using Mathematics, Communication and ICT.


Pupil work from Key Stage 3

Year 8 – Special Numbers

Year 8 students playing bingo.

Year 8 – Coordinates  

Year 8 – Fun with Factors

Year 9 Tessellations

Year 9 students enjoy outdoor learning.

Year 9 – Murder Mystery – Maths Week Ireland

Year 9 Quadrilaterals


Year 10 Enlargement

Year 10 solve a Tarsia Puzzle

Year 10 – Number Day Skittles

Year 10 – Number Day Skittles