Members of Department:
HOD: Mrs A Furey
Teachers: Mr J Quinn

Mr D McElhatton


  • Provides opportunities through fieldwork, for first hand investigation of places, environments and human behaviour
  • Builds a knowledge and understanding of current events from local to global
  • Develops skills for the future, including literacy, numeracy, ICT, problem -solving, team work, thinking skills and enquiry
  • Values your views when making decisions about issues

Geography Introduction

Key Stage 3 Curriculum 2024/2025

Year 8 -GeographyYear 9 - GeographyYear 10 -Geography
In Year 8, we will study the following topics:In Year 9, we will study the following topics:In Year 10, we will study the following topics:
What is Geography and Geographical skills Mapping SkillsPeople & Where They live
Where in the world/British Isles?Rivers & Flooding (CCS – Using ICT)The Restless Earth (CCS – Using ICT)
Settlement (CCS – Communications)Where in Europe? (CCS – Using Mathematics)Geography/Courses of Study/ Career Options
Tsunami –(CCS – Using Mathematics)Migration (CCS – Communications)Climate Change
Coastal Environments

(CCS – Communications)
Ecosystems including
Tropical Rainforest & Hot Deserts (CCS – Using ICT)
Geography Rocks – includes educational visit to the Marble Arch Caves Latitude & Longitude (CCS – Using Mathematics)


Key Stage 3

Key Stage 3 involves pupils in developing a keen interest in trying to understand major issues that they encounter in their local community and through the media. Through Geography the pupils are able to explore

  • their sense of identity and belonging,
  • their curiosity about the world around them, and
  • their value system about how we interact with our world and with each other.

For Geography to be relevant in the Northern Ireland revised curriculum it must help the pupils to develop as individuals, as contributors to society and as contributors to the economy and environment.

Geography can address these by;

Developing young people as individuals;
Helping pupils explore their sense of place and belonging to their own locality and how they interact with the wider world enables pupils to develop an appreciation for physical and human diversity and gain some understanding of the needs and perspectives of others.

Developing young people as contributors to society;
Giving pupils a sense of themselves as social beings and how they relate to one another and their environments makes them aware of values and lifestyles that are different from their own and helps them make reasoned judgements in relation to ethical issues.

Developing young people as contributors to the economy and environment;
Giving pupils an awareness of our place in a changing economy and how we interact with our environment enhances their potential to operate effectively and responsibility in a changing world.

“Geography is the study of earth as the home of people” – Yi-Fu Tuan, 1991

KS3 pupils have 3 Periods (1hr 45 min) of Geography per week.

Year 9 Trip to the Marble Arch Caves

Year 10 Trip to Magilligan 
Year 10 Geography Group 1 had a fabulous day at Magilligan Point. The weather was perfect for measuring wave height, frequency and direction, as well as beach width and longshore drift at selected points on the Atlantic Ocean Shoreline and the Lough Foyle Shoreline. With the guidance of the knowledgeable and enthusiastic Michael and Natalia at Magilligan Field Centre, our students developed their fieldwork, numeracy and working with others skills whilst enjoying the scenery and beautiful weather at this cuspate foreland. Active learning and fun in the sun!