
Numeracy is used in everyday life. For instance, Numeracy skills are important for the following activities:

  • Time management
  • Shopping
  • Reading newspaper articles or watching the news
  • Cooking
  • Travelling
  • Finance

In fact, the list is endless!

The difference between Mathematics ‘the subject’ and Numeracy is that whilst a lot of Mathematics is applicable to everyday life, not all of its skills are essential on a day-to-day basis. Numeracy, however, is essential wherever we go!

Have a look at a daily newspaper and see just how many articles use statistics, money, percentages and data.

Numeracy skills are needed for Mathematics but are also transferable across the curriculum. Numeracy is promoted on a whole-school level at Loreto. It is also a vital skill in many careers.


Throughout the year, students at Loreto are offered the chance of participating in a variety of competitions. The most prestigious of these is the UKMT Mathematics Challenges. Students participate at junior, intermediate and senior level. The most successful students are awarded Gold, Silver or Bronze certificates and may qualify for further rounds. As well as these competitions, students have participated in World Maths Day, Schools Fantasy League and other in-school events. In 2017, Loreto had a variety of celebrations in order to mark Pi Day.


We aim to support students encountering difficulties in Numeracy related areas and we have a variety of strategies in place in order to fulfil this aim.