At Key Stage 4 a range of General and Applied courses are offered. The school is working towards the delivery of the Entitlement Framework and is a member of the Omagh Learning
Community. Loreto accommodates students from other schools and facilitates our students to attend subject classes in other schools to meet students’ requirements.
The following GCSE subjects are available:
(A – Applied, G – General). Art and Design(A), Business Studies(G), Drama (A),
English Language(G), English Literature(G), French(G), *Further Mathematics (G), *Gaeilge(G), Geography(G), History(G), Home Economics/ Food(A) – Home Economics/Child Development(A), ICT(A), Irish(G), Learning For Life And Work (A), Leisure, Travel and Tourism (G), Mathematics (G), *Mandarin (G) Music(A), OCN Art and Design(A), OCN Religious Studies (A), Physical Education(A), Religious Education(G), Double Award Science(G), Single Award Science (G), Spanish(G), Technology and Design (A)
*These subjects are offered as Twilight Courses. Subjects may not be offered where a low uptake is anticipated in any given year.
Compulsory subjects are – English, English Literature, Mathematics, Religious Studies, Science: Double Award.
All students at Key Stage 4 have non-examination courses in P.E. and Learning for Life and Work.
These classes generally comprise 19/22 students, who study 9 subjects as outlined below:
Years 11 & 12
Periods | % | |
English Language & English Literature (2) | 7 | 15.22 |
Double Award Science (2) * | 10 | 21.74 |
Single Award Science | 5 | 10.87 |
Religion | 5 | 10.87 |
Environment and Society | 5 | 10.87 |
Maths | 5 | 10.87 |
Modern Language | 5 | 10.87 |
Option 1 | 5 | 10.87 |
CEIAG | 1 | 2.17 |
P.E. | 2 | 4.35 |
LLW/PD | 1 | 2.17 |
LLW GCSE | 5 | 10.87 |
TOTAL | 46 | 100 |
GCSE students follow the CCEA and AQA syllabi. The Key Elements, Cross Curricular Skills and Thinking Skills and Personal Capabilities are delivered through the Areas of Learning, Learning for Life and Work and CEIAG.