My First Day at Loreto – By Ciara Reape

My First Day at Loreto

As I walked through the gates of Loreto, I felt a rush of excitement. I instantly knew this was where I was destined to be. I happily raced into school, eager to meet all my friends and begin my new Loreto journey. The delicious smell of warm toast relaxed me and made me feel calm and collected.

As I strolled into my Form Room, I could hear the chattering noise of my fellow peers. It was a lively atmosphere and I was dying to know about everyone’s summer holiday. Suddenly, the echoing bell rang, and within a split second, we were all racing to our classes, eager to get started.

Eventually, it was lunchtime. I was pleasantly surprised that the lines seemed to stay in order. Queuing for food was an easy process and I got quite excited when we were scanning our fingerprints to pay for our food! Imagine! It saves so much time and reduces the stress of losing money.

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My First Day at Loreto – By Cass Cameron

My First Day at Loreto

As I tip-toed timidly through the Loreto gates, I could feel my thumping heart beating rapidly. My mouth was as dry as a desert. Nervously, I followed mature smart girls mimicking their every move.

In the distance I could see the big, brown building waiting to welcome me. As I quietly strode through the silent but swift automatic blue doors, I could feel the extreme heat. It was as calm as the ocean.

Suddenly, a soft-spoken teacher asked me a question. My lips answered in relief and then I replied carefully. She guided me quickly to the Assembly Hall glancing repeatedly at me like a teddy bear ready to give me a warm tight hug.

I rushed eagerly to the overwhelming canteen, trying enthusiastically to barge past caring, kind girls, wondering curiously what amazing food was on offer. I jumped up nervously hoping that my all-time favourite dish was there. Thankfully it was!

It was then time for me to go home. The day flew by like a paper aeroplane soaring through the bright blue sky. Now I just had to wait excitedly for the next day to come.

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