Drugs Education Summary Policy

This school believes we should be a drug free community. Unfortunately drugs are a reality in our lives therefore it is vital that schools, parents/guardians and the community share the responsibility to educate students about the risks and consequences of drug use and misuse. Together we can encourage young people to make healthy, informed choices by increasing their knowledge and challenging attitudes about drug misuse.

The drugs education programme followed in this school is based on guidelines provided by DENI (2004/9) and is sensitive to the age and experiences of students. For this programme to be effective the school community, parents/guardians and students must understand and accept the serious nature of their responsibility and commitment in upholding the school’s policy on drugs.

The following is a summary of the guidelines relating to drugs:

Medicines – the school recommends that parents/guardians provide written details of any medical condition that individual students may have including medication they are on. The need for administration of regular medication should be indicated on the relevant page in the Student Planner. Medicines/tablets / inhalers should not be brought to school unless accompanied by a letter from a parent/guardian and they will only be administered when it is absolutely necessary by the Student Welfare Officer under supervision.

Tobacco – No cigarettes should be brought into school by a student.

In the event of a student being found with cigarettes on her person, the cigarettes will be confiscated, the parents/guardians will be informed and action will be taken in line with the school’s Positive Behaviour Management Policy. The school operates a No Smoking Policy.

Alcohol – No alcohol should be brought into school by students or consumed by them on the school premises, while on school trips or in school uniform. In the event of a student being found with alcohol on her person the alcohol will be confiscated, the student’s parents/guardians will be informed and action will be taken in line with the school’s Positive Behaviour Management Policy.

Solvents – No Solvents should be brought into school by students. The school will ensure that potentially harmful substances are stored safely and students are supervised carefully in the event of them having to be used in the course of their work. The use of correction fluid and aerosol sprays will be discouraged at all times. Any student who abuses such substances on the school premises or on the way to and from school will be liable to action in line with the school’s Positive Behaviour Management Policy.

Illegal Substances – no illegal substances should be brought to school or used on school premises. Should this happen then the designated teacher will deal with the incident according to school’s Positive Behaviour Management Policy.

Legal Highs / Psychoactive Substances – no substance which fits this category should be brought into school, ingested within school grounds or passed between pupils. Should this happen the designated teacher will deal with the incident according to the school’s Positive Behaviour Management Property.


A designated teacher for child protection will keep a record of any drug related incidents and deal with them according to the school’s Positive Behaviour Management Policy.

Evidence of drug use or possession of drugs will result in automatic suspension pending a full investigation of the matter.

What must a student do?

  • Be aware of and adhere to the school rules in relation to drug use/misuse, including tobacco, alcohol, over the counter and prescribed medication, volatile substances and controlled drugs. How can parents/guardians support us?
  • Support the school in the implementation of this policy, including the school’s procedures for handling incidents of suspected drug misuse and the drug education programme.
  • Support your daughter.
  • Parents/guardians of students who need to take prescribed medication in school must contact the designated teacher who will make arrangements for the students involved on an individual basis.
  • Provide written details of any medical condition that your daughter may have including medication.
  • Ensure that medicines/tablets are not brought to school unless accompanied by a letter and given to Mrs Sioban Casey to be administered.

A full copy of the Drugs Education Policy that sets out in detail the rationale, aims, roles and responsibilities of the school and parents/guardians and the related procedures is available on request from the Principal. An abbreviated form of this document is included in the Student Planner which parents/guardians are advised to ensure their daughter has read and understood.